






Florinsky, I.V., 2016. Digital Terrain Analysis in Soil Science and Geology

2nd revised edition

Elsevier / Academic Press, Amsterdam, 486 p.

ISBN 978-0-12-804632-6

Contents     ScienceDirect


This is a revised edition of the book on the theory, methods, and applications of digital terrain analysis in the context of multiscale problems of soil science and geology. The content of the book is based on long-standing, interdisciplinary research of the author.


The book is divided into three parts.


Part I represents main concepts, principles, and methods of digital terrain modeling. In Chapter 1, there is a brief historical overview of the progress of geomorphometry and digital terrain analysis in the context of soil and geological studies. Chapter 2 discusses the basic notions of digital terrain modeling: the concept of the topographic surface; five main groups of morphometric variables (local, non-local, solar, and combined attributes, and structural lines); and key landform classifications. Chapter 3 concerns techniques to produce digital elevation models (DEMs), main types of DEM grids, issues of DEM resolution including the sampling theorem and its sequences, as well as interpolation approaches. Chapter 4 deals with calculation of morphometric variables on plane and spheroidal regular grids. Chapter 5 investigates the problem of errors and accuracy of digital terrain models (DTMs). Chapter 6 considers DTM decomposition, denoising, and generalization. Chapter 7 presents a universal spectral analytical method based on high-order orthogonal expansions using the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind with the subsequent Fejér summation. Chapter 8 examines peculiarities of DTM visualization.


Part II discusses various aspects of the use of digital terrain analysis in soil science. Chapter 9 probes into the main regularities in the influence of topography on spatial distribution of soil properties. Chapter 10 concerns determination of the adequate grid spacing for DTM-based soil studies. Chapter 11 looks at predictive soil mapping, a growing branch of soil science. Chapter 12 presents two case studies on DTM-based analysis of relationships between topography and soil.


Part III looks at applications of digital terrain modeling in geology. Chapter 13 probes into applications of data on curvatures of the land and stratigraphic surfaces in research of folds and folding processes. Chapter 14 concerns revealing and classification of topographically expressed lineaments and faults. Chapter 15 looks at relationships between zones of flow accumulation and natural phenomena a priori associated with fault intersections. Chapter 16 examines a hypothesis on tectonically and topographically expressed, global helical structures using spheroidal digital terrain modeling of the Earth, Mars, Venus, and the Moon.


Chapter 17 concludes the book summarizing its main themes. Appendix A briefly describes the software LandLord intended for digital terrain analysis.


The book is addressed to geomorphometrists, soil scientists, geologists, geoscientists, geomorphologists, geographers, and GIS scientists (at scholar, lecturer, and postgraduate student levels, with mathematical skills). This book is also intended for the GIS professionals in industry and research laboratories focusing on geoscientific and soil research.